Goals for Public Policy in ECE
When I read the course description, I thought ‘oh no, I don’t
know anything about policies in early childhood systems.' I was very intimidated
the week prior to the start of this course. I told my husband that I am
actually going to have to read the course materials and work at this class.
As I began to read the course description, textbook and
other course materials, I realized that I do know about early childhood systems
and how they work together for the betterment of the children and families.
Some ECE systems are broken or have parts that don’t work
well together such as the high scope web site that collects great start
readiness data is the same place that the QRIS system data is collect. However,
a GSRP specialist cannot be a QRIS rater even though the training and the data
collection forms are the same. A goal would be to have the data collection
systems that monitor the quality of early childhood facilities work together.
It would save manpower, financial resources and ensure valid rating scores
A goal that I would like to obtain as I continue to grow as
an ECE professional is to be an advocate for teachers. To empower teachers to
become professionals that upholds the ethics and tenants of our profession. I
am finding that college students who can’t pass the state certification test
(Professional Readiness Exam or the Praxis part 1) are majoring in early
childhood because in the state of Michigan is does not lead to certification.
They think it’s the easy way out of college. When in fact, working with young children
and families is very difficult work. Our profession cannot be thought of as an ‘easy
out’ or second best career choice.
Another goal that I have is empower families in making child
care choices. Families need to have the tools to find and afford quality child
care. Families are finding it difficult to identify quality child care,
especially in poor or working class neighborhoods. I believe that all children should
have the opportunity to have a high quality early childhood experience.
Kagan, S. L., & Kauerz, K. (Eds.). (2012). Early childhood
systems: Transforming early learning. New York, NY: Teachers College
Laureate Education (Producer). (2013). Final reflections, part 2 [Video file]. Retrieved from https://class.Walden.edu. Posted by Children are Great Imitators so Give them something great to imitate at 2:20