Communication Skills to Enact Change
I spent the last two days in a leadership conference. The keynote speaker today and yesterday focused on communication skills in early childhood.
Adam White is a business man turned motivational speaker. He contends that if early childhood teachers want the professional recognition and clout that they deserve, they have to communicate their needs, desires and issues to people who have the power and influence to make the changes. Adam said that we have to recognize our own worth, at that point others will also see our value.
Bev Gaffiant-Brown said that we have to have three things. Competence, character and courage. With these three attributes, we will be able to craft issues and policies that the general public will understand and potential support. We have to communicate our passion and vision. We must not give up at the first sign of adversary. Change does not come easily.
Make sure your goals are clearly articulated and written for your audience.